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Alliance Party Political Survey

First name:

Last name:


Phone Number:

Zip Code:


To what degree do you feel the American political system has been corrupted by bipartisanship?

Can you confidently align yourself with a political party on all their major initiatives?

Yes No

Do you wish there was more of a middle-ground political party?

Yes No

Have you ever heard of the Alliance Party?

Yes No

Which Poltical party do you currently identiy with?

Democrat Republican Third Party

If you selected "third party," which one?:

What is the main color for your respective poltical party?

Have you ever voted for a third party?

Yes No

Would you consider voting for a third party in the future?

Yes No

If answered no, is it because you align as Republican/Democrat, or because even though you agree more with a third party, you know they won't have a chance of winning?

Are you registered to vote?

Yes No

When does early voting starting for the 2024 election?

When is the last day to vote in the 2024 election?

Where do you get most of you political news?

How do you think America could boost awareness and votes for third party candidates?

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