Filtered Patient Data

The selected group consists of females aged 30-60, diagnosed with Hypertension, and admitted under Urgent or Scheduled care.

Aggregate Data

Number of Patients: 31

Average Age: 47.68

Total Billing Amount: $682,157.73

Average Bill Amount: $22,005.09

Patient Details

Name Age Gender Medical Condition Billing Amount Admission Type Medication Test Results
aaRon MARtiNeZ 38 Female Hypertension $7,999.59 Urgent Lipitor Inconclusive
jEssiCa GoNzAleS 57 Female Hypertension $20,545.87 Urgent Penicillin Abnormal
JosEpH gONZaLeZ 37 Female Hypertension $23,340.30 Urgent Aspirin Normal
rObErt fiElDS 52 Female Hypertension $3,042.41 Urgent Aspirin Abnormal
sHIRley wiLkinsoN 39 Female Hypertension $4,243.20 Urgent Ibuprofen Abnormal
ZaChaRY LARsEN 47 Female Hypertension $34,262.61 Urgent Penicillin Inconclusive
NAthAnIEL REynoLdS 54 Female Hypertension $5,226.00 Urgent Penicillin Normal
LaRRY LeoNarD 48 Female Hypertension $36,727.58 Urgent Ibuprofen Normal
PaTricK moRAlES 56 Female Hypertension $37,798.95 Urgent Ibuprofen Abnormal
keviN stein 54 Female Hypertension $27,660.29 Urgent Lipitor Normal
MARK bLakE 51 Female Hypertension $46,245.58 Urgent Paracetamol Abnormal
LISa aNdERSON 50 Female Hypertension $34,005.55 Urgent Ibuprofen Inconclusive
daniel cHEn 51 Female Hypertension $15,422.04 Urgent Ibuprofen Inconclusive
SHeIla SelLErs 35 Female Hypertension $31,054.05 Urgent Lipitor Normal
jeNnIfeR HayES 40 Female Hypertension $14,273.01 Urgent Lipitor Inconclusive
AlExaNdRIa cOLemaN 43 Female Hypertension $37,095.59 Urgent Penicillin Normal
tRoY goULd 45 Female Hypertension $30,430.10 Urgent Paracetamol Normal
nICHOlAS gaRcIA 60 Female Hypertension $6,609.77 Urgent Aspirin Normal
VeROnIca mEYEr 60 Female Hypertension $16,321.00 Urgent Aspirin Inconclusive
sTevEn THoMPSON 50 Female Hypertension $31,774.78 Urgent Ibuprofen Abnormal
jErry CrUZ ddS 32 Female Hypertension $12,962.31 Urgent Paracetamol Inconclusive
MARy rILEy 31 Female Hypertension $41,443.68 Urgent Aspirin Inconclusive
joSEPH fiGUEroA 50 Female Hypertension $700.60 Urgent Aspirin Normal
ValeriE NelsoN 43 Female Hypertension $671.53 Urgent Aspirin Inconclusive
HEATher WaNG 42 Female Hypertension $27,620.76 Urgent Ibuprofen Abnormal
TErRENce RIChArd 58 Female Hypertension $41,438.75 Urgent Lipitor Inconclusive
BLakE hayES 59 Female Hypertension $19,904.84 Urgent Lipitor Abnormal
MARIe WILKINS 50 Female Hypertension $19,564.11 Urgent Penicillin Normal
DANa pOttEr 49 Female Hypertension $9,955.32 Urgent Paracetamol Normal
AlYSSA meNDoZA 49 Female Hypertension $16,666.10 Urgent Ibuprofen Normal
KIM RoDrIGUEZ 48 Female Hypertension $27,151.44 Urgent Aspirin Inconclusive


The filtered data provides insights into females aged 30-60 with hypertension, admitted for Urgent or Scheduled care. It shows a moderate number of patients within the target range, with an average age reflecting the selected demographic. The data reveals total and average billing amounts, offering a glimpse into the costs of treating hypertension in this group, and underscores the significance of urgent or scheduled admissions for managing the condition.